Bollywood Storm
At the Age of Thirty-three Elanna Forsythe George became....
A Desi
A Novel in Two Books
by N. K. Johel
The Call
Elanna Forsythe George
is a Boston-born, New York forensic scientist who takes on cold cases. Stone cold dead cases. She solves murders in unusual ways, with her accidentally-acquired paranormal abilities. Her cases usually come to her a few years after high-powered mainstream investigations, police and legal proceedings have all failed, and there’s a dead end. But she doesn’t take every case. . . .
Book I, New York.
Elanna is hired by the Bollywood starlet, Simryn Gill, to reopen the case of Rajesh Sharma, a Bollywood director who died, supposedly of a heart attack, two years previous. Although it appears to be a simple heart attack, there is no drama, no gossip, no controversy in the Bollywood media. Somewhere in that odd, conspicuous silence, Elanna smells a big rat .
Book II, Mumbai.
Elanna’s powerful and unpredictable abilities lead to an encounter with a wild and reckless persona named Christine, who works the Bollywood scene trying to get them inside the Bollywood mob. But Christine’s mission fails, and, soon after, Elanna endures a vision of the fearsome Goddess Kaali Ma. She finds herself transformed into a beautiful, pure talent; a dancer named Rakhi. Now, the two headstrong women must work together to infiltrate the Bollywood cartel, expose those behind the serpentine Bhujangen cult that controls the filmi-industry, and finally uncover the dark forces behind the deaths of Rajesh Sharma, and more than half of his illegitimate children.
Bollywood Storm
is a lyrical, mystical, murder mystery set in Bollywood-style. Along the way, it’s a meditation on Eastern and Western cultures, self, identity, privilege and loss, ego and intimacy – and it’s got five song and dance numbers in it, too.

Praise for Bollywood Storm
It’s a book about mysticism, possessing vast imagination and delivered up with an incredible amount of skill.
Sheri-D Wilson
Spoken Word, Poet, Educator / WINNER, The USA Heavyweight title for poetry (2003); ffwd Readers’ Choice award — Best Poet (2007 - 2012); CBC Arts Top Ten Poets in Canada (2009)
sheridwilson.comHer words yield a world around the reader, a story so detailed it reminded me of Victor Hugo, one of my favorite authors. A fresh take on the supernatural crime genre, N K Johel not only introduces Bollywood to new readers, she does it with flare!
Mani Amar
The late Artist, Activist, Writer, Filmmaker / WINNER, The New York Sikh International Film Festival Award, Best Documentary . . a rich, spicy masala of action, suspense, noir crime thriller, music, song, dance, comedy and romance, the paranormal and various religious and spiritual traditions, all painted in a full, multicultural palette.
A wonderful novel about a forensic detective. Book I begins when our heroine comes into her abilities and is hired to solve the murder of a successful Bollywood director. Book II picks up the thread of the mystery in Mumbai with a twist that will blow your mind.
Bollywood Storm: Mumbai is nothing less than amazing. I enjoyed how different the two books were, and I especially liked the switching of perspectives.
Elanna Forsythe George breaks the mold of the rational, dispassionate detective calmly adding up the clues ... this is, as far as I know, like no other mystery-story detective ... Johel's writing style is engaging. The book flows well ... [it’s] enjoyable to read. This book is interesting and fun.