Dhooma Daka Laka Dhoom Dhoom!!!
A Novel in Two Books
by N. K. Johel
Dhoom-a Dhoom-a Dhoom-Dhoom
A Daka Laka Laka!
What's it all about? What's the latest news, the
gup-shap nauva samachar
on Bollywood Storm? Well, let's just say it's in the final stages of editing, and it's time to get moving to let all you people know that the show is about to start!
My first job was to get an official dot.com website. Well, the url: Bollywoodstorm.com was taken a few years back, and that was sad. I tried coming up with other ideas, but nothing sounded very exciting.
Then my husband came up with the brilliant, if obscure url:
Sure, no one is going to remember it, but it SURE SOUNDS COOL when you say it out loud:
Double You Double You Double You - Dot
Dhooma Daka Laka Dhoom Dhoom
Dot Com!
Say THAT five times fast. If you can, then you just might enjoy Bollywood Storm - An Elanna Forsythe George Mystery. Book One.