Seven Lines from Bollywood Storm

A Novel in Two Books
by N. K. Johel

I saw this "Seven Lines from..." on Facebook by Alyssa Linn Palmer in response to a friend's tag.  The is an opportunity to post a seven line teaser from from your book.  I have to say, Alyssa had me going with hers - it was a clincher.  Here is my seven lines.  If you wish to post seven lines from your book, feel free to respond in the comments below.  I'd love to see it!So, without further ado:

The woman chuckled, keeping her gaze fixed on Beeji. “I never suspected you were the Chandra who had an appointment with Karishma. . .

Deedee ji.

A flash of lightening. A rolling thunder peels across the dark, ethereal plain. . .

Beeji smiled again.

Yes, what a coincidence,


And how long have you been Miss Chawla’s personal secretary?”

The dark plane rumbled with laughter.

The woman’s potent eyes flashed, but she too managed a smile.

“No, no, no,


I’m not Karishma’s secretary. Perhaps you didn’t hear me the first time? I SAID I’m her mother.